Sinomonitor case study:
a Research Agency

Vivid, comprehensive data-driven insights for SINOMONITOR China Syndicated Research


Sinomonitor’s single-source consumer research databases, such as CMMS and H3, required a lot of time and labor to package and upload. The complex data analysis and inflexible presentation of results wasted considerable time and energy for both researchers and customers. A lack of collaboration tools increased communication costs and slowed down the overall project.


Founded in 1998, Sinomonitor has developed into a leading market research institution in China. It has the largest single source consumer research database, contacting more than 1 million consumers every year across more than 500 cities in China.

Sinomonitor is committed to providing clients with professional market research, data-driven insights and advisory services, including survey sciences, media research, consumer and social research, and marketing strategy consulting.


Project  Solution

For massive survey databases such as CMMS and H3, DataTile enables high-speed end-to-end automation from data loading to results delivery. Data processing can even be done in multiple languages. This used to be labor-intensive, but now millions of sample sizes can be loaded directly into the DataTile with minimal involvement of researchers or data processing.

It makes research more convenient, more secure and more visual

– Leon Liu, General Manager of SINOMONITOR of China


DataTile greatly reduces the amount of preparation before data release. By loading large amounts of research data onto the DataTile platform, we can collaborate and interact on consistent data sources.

It provides customers with special segmentation and more complex computing functions directly in the cloud. The server location in China provides a guarantee for data security, and its friendly user interface and interactivity allow researchers and customers to fully enjoy the process of data analysis.

Thanks to DataTile, we can supply more vivid and comprehensive data-driven insights. Interactive dashboards provide an intuitive data presentation to customers and display research results in multiple dimensions.


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